Trusted From 5 Generations

Ayurveda is a traditional medical system, which has existed for thousands of years. The essence of this ancient medical system has been to treat an individual with a holistic approach and methodology.
The treatment process generally includes the procedures to understand the illness and treat the individuals from the root level rather than just relying upon symptomatic methods such as Western medicine. The system of medicine advocates certain mandatory medical procedures and invokes certain principles such as the Dinacharya (Daily Regime), and Ritu Charya (Seasonal Regime).
These regimes usually involve complete control over food habits, living habits, and the medicines for the treatment of illness are well-prepared from the natural ingredients which enhance the physiological functions and without any possible side-effects.
Led by Dr. Chandu Sunil Kumar, a highly qualified Ayurvedic practitioner, at Yerukalapudi Hospital comes on top in the list of Ayurvedic hospitals in Vijayawada and Guntur which provides effective treatments. He holds a BAMS from Sri Jayendra Saraswati Ayurveda College and an MD from SVM AMC Ilkal, Karnataka and an MSC in Psychology. In his decade-long journey, he has achieved an astounding 98% success rate by skilfully fusing traditional Ayurvedic knowledge with modern perspectives.
Complementing our team is Dr. Chandu Sravanya, another compassionate practitioner with a BAMS and MSC in Psychology. Together, they bring a unique blend of Ayurvedic excellence and psychological insights, ensuring customised treatments for our valued patients.
The Treatments We Offer at Yerukalapudi Ayurvedic Hospital in Vijayawada:
We prioritise your well-being with a range of holistic treatments. Our medical centre specializes in various therapies, with a key focus on the ancient art of Panchakarma.
Our focus on your health and our belief that health is more than just the absence of disease but also the presence of a sound body and mind make us one of the best Ayurvedic hospitals in Guntur and Vijayawada. Panchakarma, a time-honoured Ayurvedic practice, will help you with exactly that by eliminating toxins at a cellular level and restoring mental and physical vitality.
Panchakarma, as referenced in Charaka Samhita by Acharya Charaka, comprises five distinct methods. Our expert doctors customize them based on each patient’s unique needs.
Our Ayurvedic hospital in Vijayawada stands out as a beacon of expertise, with generational practitioners who seamlessly blend traditional wisdom with modern insights. Each therapy is executed with precision, ensuring optimal results for your well-being.
Before Panchakarma begins, we need to understand Purvakarma — a pivotal phase that lays the foundation for efficient detoxification and revitalization. Purvakarma contains three essential techniques: Pachana (digestion), Snehana (oleation), and Swedana (sudation). These treatments are further divided into specific sub-divisions and preparations, tailored based on various factors. Our skilled practitioners carefully select the most suitable approach for everyone.
Some crucial sub-divisions include:
Because of our passion and expertise, Yerukalapudi comes to the list of the Best Ayurvedic Hospitals in Tenali, Guntur, and Vijayawada, where we customize each Purvakarma technique to suit your specific needs. Trust us for a rejuvenation like no other. Because your well-being is our commitment.
Dr Chandu Sunil Kumar
Yerukalapudi Village, Via Nandivelugu
Tenali mandal, Guntur-522306